Author Calories

Artist Statement

The collaboration for this exhibition by Cindy Hergott- Pellerin and Karen Pask-
Thompson is the result of uncovering a similar process and subject in creating their art.
Both artist’s use the land as a muse and respond on a visceral level to the landscape.
Hergott -Pellerin explores the multi -layered surfaces, shapes and calm the landscape
provides whereas Pask -Thompson’s work is narrative and strives to uncover stories
held within the history of the landscape. Hergott-Pellerin uses a bird’s eye view of the
land and Pask-Thompson uses the bird as a metaphor for hidden stories weathered on
the landscape.
Pask-Thompson and Hergott-Pellerin are committed to an authentic process that
explores their internal connections to making art and engaging fully with the materials.
They both push and pull with color, lines, shapes, and texture. Critical to their work is
their commitment to focus on the process of art making, where play and risk is central
rather than the end product. The work is a result of this play; therefore, it is the process
that leads the direction and outcome of the work. The dialogue between the paintings
provides the viewer with information that may help to inform their own experience with
the land.

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Last century Cam graduated from the University of Saskatchewan with a
Bachelor of Arts (with Distinction), majoring in Visual Arts. He
subsequently studied Landscape Architecture at the University of Guelph
and Kyoto University, Japan. Cam recently retired after practicing
Landscape Architecture for over 35 years.

Cam had the good fortune to attend Emma Lake Kenderdine Campus for
many year prior to its closure and demolition by the University of
Saskatchewan. There he was able to paint in the forest, surrounded by
nature. He says, “I was drawn to trees as they represent the diversity of

In recent years Cam has been painting in various places throughout the
world. These “postcards” or vignettes attempt to convey the essence or
spirit of the place.

Artist contact: 306-250-8224

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Ann Donald – Biography

Ann Donald has lived and taught art in Saskatoon for over 20 years. Ann has been in
numerous exhibitions throughout Canada and Holland.  She has been teaching art in
galleries, museums, high schools, elementary schools and universities for over 30 years.
Ann holds degrees related to creating and teaching art from Mount Alison University,
Concordia University, University of Western, York University and an Art Academy in
Enschede, Holland. She can be reached at 306-281-4477 or
Her images are on Instagram at ann_donald and


This exhibition focuses on my love of the land that surrounds me.  As I travel
Saskatchewan and Canada, I photograph, draw and paint the beauty of nature that I see. I
work out small sketches and build interpretations of my favorite places and compositions.
I create larger paintings of the images that are particularly meaningful to me. Using
drawing and the elements and principles of design I create interpretations of what I see
and what I feel. I really try to capture the essence of the beauty and joy I feel while
experiencing the land. Light, color, shape, space and line are the major elements I use to
compose my paintings. This exhibition shows experimentation with the use of India ink,
acrylics and oils on either canvas or wood panel.

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Artist’s Statement

Bison, cattle, horses; stop me in my tracks. I may be surrounded by the most beautiful landscape but if there is such an animal in view that is where my eyes are drawn. Although I explore many other subject matter, I often return to this theme. For this exhibition I have painted bison and cattle in herds, in the distance and at closer range. There is one large painting of my horse Siren, grazing peacefully in an autumn field. The large abstract painting of white cows is reminiscent of the smaller framed works in this exhibition. It is interesting to me that these five little pieces are all in shades of red; an unconscious choice on my part. Loose and gestural, they are an expression of the beauty and power of these animals.

Artist Bio

Bridget Aitken paints out of The Studio on 20th as well as her home studio near Pike Lake. She is represented by Nouveau Gallery in Regina as well as Black Spruce Gallery in Waskesieu, Prince Albert National Park.

Instagram: @aitken.bridget

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Artist Statement
Re-visit, re-new, re-work are all words used to describe this series. Using subject matter the
artist has incorporated into other works, and canvases once used for different paintings, has
allowed her to re-visit the faces she once spent time with learning their features and building
their stories. Like seeing an old friend or reading an old journal, coming back to the faces from
this new point in time remained cathartic. Being able to layer these experiences that are only
attained through the passage of time has enhanced not only the visual journey of each piece
but also the conceptual nature of the work. This series is a manifestation of the body through
time; the body of work, the bodies in the work, the artist body making the work and the
stretched canvas as a body for the work.

Artist Bio
Emily Zdunich is a Saskatoon based interdisciplinary artist who has developed a figurative
practice in painting, installation sculpture, and printmaking. Emily is a recent graduate of the
Bachelor of Fine Arts Honours, and Art History department at the University of Saskatchewan.
Emily investigates the concept of the body though gendered experience, birth, mortality and
time. Her focus is on the human condition and exploring connections between the physical
body and the emotional body. As well as searching for links between human relationship
patterns and patterns found in the natural world, both on a micro and macro scale.

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Changing Seasons
I have lived in Saskatchewan all my life and I have a deep appreciation of the prairies and the changing seasons.
We have some of the best skies, sunrises and sunsets in the world.
In spite of long winters, which can be both beautiful and brutal, we seem to
endure. Perhaps it’s because of that hibernation.
And then there is spring… melting snow, water running, new growth and of
course ” the wind. “
Next comes summer… short , hot,  intense with gardens full of colorful flowers.
Fall is often unpredictable… wonderful golden fields, falling leaves, rain and or
I hope you enjoy my interpretations of our changing seasons.
Artist Bio
Karen Maguire is a landscape, figurative and collage painter living in Saskatoon.
She is currently a member of the  ” Studio on 20th ” group of artists.
The riverbank, prairie skies and northern lakes are the subjects of many
of her works.
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“The Seaside Meadows Collection is an escape toward bucolic oceanside summer days. This collection has been a long time coming and is inspired by a trip taken to the Maritimes to celebrate a milestone birthday. I’ve long felt connected to those eastern shores, but this trip provided new inspiration as meadows and wild beaches were explored and seen in a different light. I had planned to paint these pieces upon our return, but life took over. And then a worldwide pandemic hit. As we’ve all stayed in place over this past year, longing for travel, exploration and peaceful days has returned stronger than ever. It only felt right to attempt to paint those longings into existence. Seaside Meadows is an ode to the quiet solitude found in wildflowers and the waving natural grass beside ocean waters. My hope is that these pieces provide a gentle reprieve from the heaviness of this year and allow the mind to rest in the natural wonder of the Atlantic shores. ”

Jenni Haikonen is an impressionistic painter and botanical watercolourist working out of Saskatoon SK. She creates pieces inspired by natural landscapes, with a focus on preservation and conservation. Her artistic practice explores the relationship between human, the atmosphere and the lands that surround us. You can find more of her work at or on Instagram @jennihaikonen. She can also be contacted directly through email at

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Artist Statement
In my first solo exhibition, I wanted to share with you a series of paintings I painted with acrylics in my studio at home from 2018 to 2021. The Covid-19 pandemic has been affecting professional artists all over the world. Our response has been to adapt to the situation and finding new outlets and mediums to express our creativity. I decided to paint landscapes in acrylic depicting mostly the different seasons in the Prairies and the Canadian Rockies using only photos as a reference. I also went back to carving small pieces in alabaster, whatever I could handle in my home studio.I love sculpting and I also created five large sculptures in snow by myself in Saskatoon and North Battleford. I hope you will enjoy my paintings as much as I enjoyed painting them.

Patricia Leguen

Patricia Leguen was born in Saint-Nazaire, France and has been residing in Saskatoon since 1983. She has been representing Canada at national and international snow, ice, sand and fire sculpting competitions and festivals since 1991 and has competed at over 120 events in the last 30 years, winning awards and trophies all over the world including several times in Canada, China, Russia, Alaska, France, Belgium, etc. Her last international ice carving competition was in mid-February 2020 at the World Ice Art Championships before the pandemic started spreading all over the world. She teamed up with three Russians and their team placed 5 th in the Multi-Block Classic with Spirit of the Forest carved in 6 days, 12 to 15 hours a day. Since all international sculpting events have been cancelled since March 2020, she decided to spend her free time painting landscapes throughout the seasons with acrylics, carving alabaster in her studio and creating large-scale snow sculptures on her own in Saskatoon and around the province. She is the only accredited conference interpreter in Saskatchewan but all in-person conferences were cancelled and she can only work freelance in interpreting hubs in Ottawa for the Federal Government or from home. When she does not carve, paint or travel for work, she stays active
rowing, cycling, hiking, riding her Harley, and cooking.

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I am a mixed media, abstract artist. Covid Musings, painted in my living room over the past several months has kept me calm and focused. I begin my process with random black ink lines and marks. As an intuitive painter, I am intrigued by the luminous hues and unpredictability of alcohol inks, and I then relax into the challenge of then introducing other media such as pens, oil sticks, and acrylic paint. I seem to glide into a meditative state as I react to form and colour. And in the end? The magic of a title. “There are no mistakes only magical misadventures of mixed media art”

2007 University of Saskatchewan, BFA (Great Distinction)
Work in the collections of Royal Bank of Canada, EnCana, University of Saskatchewan, the United
Kingdom, the Bahamas, the United States, and Canada. (Facebook, Instagram)
Studio on 20th

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In Flanders Fields

Artist Statement

I created 75 of these poppy prints, to mark the 75th anniversary of the end of WWII. Each poppy is a 14 colour serigraph/silkscreen on onionskin paper which is about 4 inches/life size. The onion skin paper is notepaper from the war that was used with carbon paper in a typewriter to send duplicate messages. I pulled the squeegee over 1050 times to create this piece. Yes, my arms and hands were tired.

I am selling them unframed for 75.00 with 75% of the proceeds going to Veterans Affairs. I am grateful to all men and woman that fought in the wars. @canadaremembers

Note: the fragile onion skin paper will not behave like a regular art paper and may wrinkle and unwrinkle as humidity changes. I have mounted them in a such a way that the paper can expand and contract accordingly.

Time marches toward the confluences of harmony and conflict.  It is inevitable in nature and community that conflict will occur. It would be unnatural for life on this planet to exist without conflict.  There is beauty in the brutality of the lioness taking down the zebra during a kill.  If all the thousands of seeds in pinecones were to survive to adulthood, there would not be enough solid ground left for other life.  All things in life march toward the final conflux of death.

The images in shades of black and white represent the loss of innocence each person suffers through aging.   As each individual learns more about the world around them, it becomes more difficult to filter information in order to make decisions that satisfy their moral needs.  Adults try to find a balance that will match their understanding with their feelings on what is best to do.  There is a difference between fair and equal that causes conflict within each individual, as issues are not clearly solved in terms of black and white.

The color within the work finds the harmony within the conflict.  The plant life struggles with the presence of the soldier’s boots, and pushing through is a beauty found by realizing that existence means dealing with conflict.  People throughout history have had to deal with issues larger than their understanding.  Each individual searches for the harmony within the conflict when there is a change of attitude toward the situation.   Humans remember the colorful moments in their lives, while the everyday blends into shades of black and white.

Artist Bio

Monique has exhibited printmaking, paintings, sculptures, installations and book works in more than 225 significant solo, invited and juried group exhibitions in 10 countries. Her works are held in more than 44 public and private collections in 10 different countries. Her printmaking works push the boundaries of standard printmaking with enormous-scale printmaking, installation-based printmaking and three-dimensional printmaking.

Monique finds that her work develops well when she is away from her regular routine in her own studio, so she often accepts invitations or seeks out positions as an artist-in-residence in other locations. She was Artist-in-Residence for Disneyland Paris, Paris, France (2013), the Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan Festival (2013), the Saskatchewan Children’s Festival (2012), Bytown Museum, Ottawa, Canada (2010), Spalding, United Kingdom (2008), Nice, France (2006), Vallauris, France (2006), Mount Vernon, USA (2004), Wynyard, Tasmania, Australia (2003) and Coaticook, QC, Canada (2001).

twitter/insta:  @moniquesart



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Calories will be closed Sunday, June 30 - Tuesday, July 2 | HAPPY CANADA DAY!